
Testing expertise is built into Certiverse, but we're happy to share it outside the system, too.


Sessions about the steps of exam development and how Certiverse can simplify those processes


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Brief discussions on trending topics and highlights from our longer presentations

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Interviews with leaders and experts in the testing industry and those impacted by innovations in assessment


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Featured Webinars

C2CAsset 271@3x

The ABCs of AI, LLMs, and NL

Recent AI advances are exciting and are coming quickly! But few of us have taken the time to really understand the foundational concepts of artificial intelligence (AI), large language models (LLMs), and natural language processing (NLP). Dr. Alan Mead explores fundamental concepts of AI that your exam program should know, in this webinar presented by PopTopiks.

C2CAsset 67

C2CAsset 273@3x

AI and ML in Assessment: Opportunities and Considerations

Dr. Nathan Thompson and Dr. Alan Mead discuss what's now and what's next for AI in assessment.

C2CAsset 67

Mission Control2

Our Mission Control webinar series shows you how to streamline your test development process from beginning to end, whether you're just getting started or ready to evolve your program.

Job analysis to build valid exams, potential challenges, innovations create efficiency


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Asynchronous, AI-guided item authoring, secure review with minimal exposure


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Recruiting and engaging subject matter experts, online task-writing and surveys, automated blueprint creation


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View the complete Mission Control Webinar Series and subscribe to our YouTube channel for the latest in testing industry innovation.



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Valid Questions presented by Certiverse features interviews with leaders and experts in the testing industry as well as those shaping or impacted by innovations in assessment.

Hear from other test sponsors
Our clients are happy to talk about the issues they previously faced with their programs and the solutions they've found with Certiverse.


Panels and Presentations

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