
There's a better way to build exams.

As an experienced test sponsor, you know that exam development is often both slow and expensive.

If your credential tests time-sensitive processes or product knowledge, your exam content may be outdated soon after it’s launched. And proctoring fees to help protect that expensive content can further increase your costs and put exam fees out of reach for candidates. Certiverse solves these issues with fast, flexible, affordable exam development and delivery.

It’s said that between better, faster, and cheaper, you can only pick two, but Certiverse enabled us to have it all.

Clyde Seepersad
SVP & GM, Training & Certification, The Linux Foundation


Certiverse  accelerates the exam development process while reducing costs by an average of 80% and ensuring psychometric validity.


Compresses the exam development timeline, so you can bring new exams to market quickly while demand for the credential is the greatest.

Bias Elimination

Helps eliminate exam bias by leveraging a larger, more diverse pool of item writers.

Increased Access & Scalability

Allows you to increase access to your test by producing more quality items at scale and thereby reduce the need for expensive live proctoring


Discover how Certiverse’s approach to exam development can help accelerate your program’s growth.

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